Move your learning online with the most robust LMS.

Secure & Scalable Infrastructure, Highly Customizable, On primes / Cloud deployment.

Durbin LMS online learning management system that can help to create online education platforms . Moreover, with Durbin LMS you can provide a versatile online education environments for school, college university education or for online training in your organization.

Enrolment Module

Enable student or trainees to enroll in paid courses.

Course Management

Arrange and setup your course topics and learning path.

Content Management

Upload course videos, exam questions and notes etc.

Group Management

Add users or import via CSV into customized groups.

Branch Management

For multiple branches in your organization and control the distribution of contents.

Question Bank

Add or questions with defined answers or import in CSV.

Exam Management

Create and schedule exam Live exams or practice model tests.

Notification Management

Send important announcements via in-app notification or SMS.

User Role Management

Create and assigne multiple administrative roles.


Add certification to courses.


See users, course and payment summery in customizable dashboard.

Payment Module

See all the payment of you paid courses, search, filter and download CSV of payment details.

Are You Looking For Building
Your Own Learning Management System ?

Build your white label branded Learning Management System in Android, iOS and web.

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“Very Much Impressed by the talented team of Durbin labs limited. Their approach to problem-solving through innovation is unparalleled. I like to give my thanks for their outstanding commitment to our project. The team took the time to understand the vision and the requirements of the project.”

Mr. Joseph S. United Kingdom
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